What happens if I can’t locate my driver?

Immediately call +61 406 942 3352. Cobb & Co Coaches makes no guarantee of locating you during Meet and Greet Services. If you do not make contact with your driver within 10 minutes of your pickup time you are required to contact Cobb & Co Coaches Ltd on (+61 406 942 335) in order to facilitate the meeting with your driver. You must provide Cobb & Co Coaches with your telephone contact number for facilitating your service leading up to and at the time of transfer. You must be contactable in the 2-hour period immediately prior to your booked pickup time on the same telephone number that you have listed with your booking. If are not contactable on your designated phone number, Cobb & Co Coaches will not be liable for any costs, damages or losses that you may incur as a result of not meeting your scheduled travel time.